Cooper University Hospital and Cooper Medical School at Rowan University

Dr. Irene Gottlob recently moved to the USA to work as Attending Ophthalmologist at Cooper University Hospital and Professor of Neurology at Cooper Medical School at Rowan University (New Jersey). She is currently setting up a new Eye Unit and a clinic for adult and paediatric neuro-ophthalmology with state-of-the-art examination techniques for nystagmus and albinism. Prior to this position, Dr. Gottlob was Chair of Ophthalmology at the University of Leicester, UK where she led a nationwide reference clinic for people with nystagmus and albinism. This clinic offered investigations of eye movements, genetics, and retinal changes with optical coherence tomography for all ages, including infants and young children who cannot cooperate with standard examination techniques. She and her team have developed methods to investigate adults and young children with nystagmus using optical coherence tomography which can then be used to help classify the nystagmus and predict future visual acuity. Dr. Gottlob and her group have published more than 210 articles and book chapters. She is on the editorial board of several scientific journals.